There are some really good music videos out there! Gonna post some of my favorites...
This one is above and beyond my favorite music video ever:
Fiona is my waifuuu...and who doesn't love little boys as gangster dancers? Why else would Bugsy Malone have been made?
(and oh man it's so weird seeing such a burly black man's voice come out of that slip of a girl)
This one's just extraordinary. Points for recognizing all the ladies.
(it's kind of weird this isn't the video for Damned Ladies...)
There are so many more I love! I'll probably do another post like this in a while.
And obviously I'm not gonna post the SUPER popular ones like Fergie's, OK Go's, SNSD, "California Girls", etc, but if you haven't seen those yet you really ought to. They're popular because they're awesome.
Loooove fiona apple and Rufus wainwright <3 and they have great videos too.
I really love that song by Fiona Apple, totally putting it on my iPod >3<
Ooo interesting, I've never heard of any of them before! Rip Slyme reminds me of HALCALI though. Thanks for sharing!
Fiona Apple = <3
<3 Rufus!! As for that first video, wtf did I just watch?
Holy shit, that first video is amazing, lol. Fiona Apple is <3
@Alex and Helen
Yeah! Halcali actually got their start through a contest sponsored by Rip Slyme. :3
The Fiona Apple one was great!
I just spent like 30 minutes trying to track down a video I saw a few months ago made in 1 take where there's a girl, and a sofa, and she keeps changing outfits and it's really weird and for the life of me I cannot find it ;_;
Awww! That sounds awesome!
Oooh, I love the April Fool's video.
Now I'm checking out all their stuff, you might have gotten me hooked :O
Looooove Rufus wainwright <3
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